Eastern Sea, 100 fathoms,green sand, pebbles,broken shells.Off Suno Saki, 60 fathoms,gray sand, pebbles,bubbles rising.Plasma-bearerand slow-motion benthos!The fishery vessel Iondrops anchor herecollectingplankton smears and fauna.Plasma-bearer, visiblesea purge,sponge and kelpleaf.Halicystus the Sea Bottleresembles emeraldsand is the largestcell in the world.Young sea horseHippocampus twentyminutes old,nobody has everseen this marinefreak blink.It radiates onterminal vertebraa comb of twentyupright spinesand curlsits rocky tail.Saltflush lobsterbull encrusted swimsbackwards from the rock.
(Slipper Lobster larva. Photo by Peter Parks. From the Australian Museum.)
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